Master the Mainframe Contest 2012 Winner+Looser

Der von der IBM veranstaltete Master the Mainframe Contest 2012 ist vorüber.

Die Gewinner und „Verlierer“ sind mittlerweile auf der Wall of Fame unter der Contest-Seite veröffentlicht worden.

Von meinen Erfolgen bei diesem Contest zeugen folgende eMails:

[tab:eMail Part 1]

Dear Mainframer,

Have we got some good news for you? Answer: Yes! Due to your prolific display of basic mainframe skills (as well as your poetic stylings), you have won an IBM Master the Mainframe Contest T-shirt!

All prizes for Parts 1 and 2 will be shipped shortly after the contest ends on July, just in time for the fall T-shirt season! We will send you another email to confirm your address and T-shirt size before shipping, so if either of those things change, don’t worry. We’ll make sure the right size shirt gets in your hands.

This is the address and shirt size we currently have on file for you:


Requested T-shirt size: […]

Please let us know at any time if you need to make any changes to that information.

Thank you for your part in making the Master the Mainframe Contest a success, and thank you also for the wonderful collection of haiku poems, Facebook status updates and nonsensical ramblings that we now have in our data set members.

You can keep in touch with the IBM Academic Initiative’s latest news and offerings on these pages:

IBM Student Portal
IBM Academic Initiative System z home page

We hope you found Part 1 of the contest to be a fun and educational experience. If you’re competing in Part 2 or Part 3 — good luck and keep at it! If not, we hope you learned a thing or two and had some fun while doing it. Don’t forget to talk up your mainframe experience to educators and recruiters.

You can send any questions, comments or address changes to […]. We welcome all contest feedback. And if you didn’t already take it, we’d love to hear your thoughts in our Part 1 survey.

Thanks again for your participation. Enjoy your T-shirt, and wear it with pride!


The IBM Master the Mainframe Contest Team

[tab:eMail Part 2]

Dear Jens Hohmann,

Guess who’s going to be sporting a new Kindle e-Book reader in the very near future? You’re probably dying to know the answer. Oh, ok, it’s YOU! We hope it fits.

Congratulations on being among the first 25 contestants to complete 100% correctly all of the challenges in Part 2 of the IBM Master the Mainframe Contest. You cranked through difficult questions and challenges without making a single mistake – nice work!

Your new Monitor will arrive in the same package as the T-shirt you won in Part 1, so be sure to check that package carefully. You can expect it to arrive after the contest concludes, in early September (the contest ends on July 31).

If your address has changed or is going to change in the near future, please let us know. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will send your prizes to this address:


For your impressive display of computing talent, your name will be featured on the Master the Mainframe Wall of Fame that will be going live from our homepage later in July.

Also, your invitation to put your resume online in IBM’s Student Opportunity System should have arrived at about the same time as this email. Let us know if you didn’t receive that invitation with your personal access code to put your resume in the system, where all of IBM’s Business Partners and clients can access it. Student access to this system can be gained by invitation only. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to put your resume in front of enterprise systems employers – you’ve earned it!

If you decide to put your resume out there, when you’re working your way through the system, you’ll come to a drop-down menu labeled „Desired job category“. To make sure that employers can find you using the correct filters in the system, be sure to select „Large Systems/Enterprise Application“ from that menu.

You can send any questions or comments on Part 2 to […]. We welcome all contest feedback, and we’d love to hear your thoughts in our Part 2 survey. (Many of the questions are purposefully the same as the Part 1 survey, to help us gauge differences of opinion between Part 1 and Part 2 competitors.)

Congratulations again! If you’re working on Part 3 now, best of luck. Keep up the great work.

Thanks again for your participation. Enjoy your new Kindle e-Book reader, and be sure to think of the mainframe when you’re working with it!


The IBM Master the Mainframe Contest Team

[tab:eMail Part 3]

Dear Jens,

This note is to inform you that we received your submission for Part 3 of the Master the Mainframe Contest, but unfortunately you were not among the best 5 students to complete all challenges. This was an extremely difficult Part 3, and the competition this year was just plain tough.

For your impressive display of computing talent, your name will be featured on the Master the Mainframe „Wall of Fame: Part 3“ that will be going live from our homepage later this week.

Thank you for making the contest a success, and for taking the time and effort to challenge yourself through the completion of all 3 parts. We are proud of you and hope you will also join the Master the Mainframe Contest in 2013. We’re looking forward to next year’s contest and count on your participation!

We wish you a pleasant semester break. The prizes for the other parts will be shipped to you within the next two weeks.

Kind regards,

The IBM Master the Mainframe Contest Team

[tab:eMail Part 3 II]

Hi Jens

Thank you for your e-Mail.

Unfortunately, you have reached 13 of 17 possible points in part 3 of the contest.

Thank you for participating.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Contest Support Team

Master The Mainframe Contest
IBM System z Academic Initiative


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